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State Council meeting urges efforts to sustain economic recovery momentum

BEIJING, July 31 (Xinhua) — An executive meeting of China’s State Council has called for solid work to sustain the country’s economic recovery, ensure and improve people’s livelihoods, and guarantee that the country’s annual economic and social development goals are met.
Efforts should be made to optimize macro policies and strengthen macro regulation, according to the meeting, which was chaired by Premier Li Qiang on Wednesday. It also stressed the importance of implementing existing policies and the need to introduce new measures that are workable, effective, tangible and attainable.
The meeting underscored the importance of efforts to make more substantive breakthroughs in expanding domestic demand, nurturing emerging and future industries, and promoting high-standard opening-up. More practical policies and reforms are expected to send more positive signals, it said.
It discussed and approved in principle a draft revision of China’s law on arbitration and a draft law on national parks, both of which will be submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress for deliberation.
Arbitration should play a greater role in serving China’s economic development and opening-up, and work will be done to enhance the credibility and international influence of the country’s arbitration, according to the meeting.
Those in attendance also noted their expectation that the law on national parks will improve the protection and management of national parks and promote ecological protection, green development and people’s livelihoods. ■
